Does Love Change?

My big question of the week, and one that has been haunting me for about a year now… Will I ever love someone the way I did the first time I fell in love?

This love… it was intensive. Consuming. It was an emotion that I felt so physically – right in my chest every time I looked at him. I wanted to know every detail about him; I wanted to make him happy for the rest of my days. His laugh made my day; his happiness was hard to achieve but rewarding nonetheless.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen him – the old him, the one I fell in love with. But it ended and it broke my heart and I’m still angry. But in a way, I know I will always love him. I think. And that leads to another big question…. will I? Or will he eventually become a distant memory and only be slightly bittersweet?

My inexperience with this gives me a little bit of hope, but also a whole lot more of fear. Will I ever love someone like this again, or was that the one and it just didn’t work out?

It’s scary, me dating other guys and never being able to find that feeling again. Will that rush of infatuation ever be felt? Will I ever be open enough to even be capable of feeling that love again?

So many questions and ones I can only truly find the answers to through my very own experiences.

Wish me some luck.




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