First Post – A New Beginning?

I feel like my first blog post should say something utterly profound.


Unfortunately, I am at a loss for words. Should I share with my audience my weekly happenings? Yeah, sure, let’s start there. There has got to be something profound to be discovered in my actions of the week – which was literally nothing. 


I barely managed to make it to class, if I made it at all. The majority of my time was spent in bed watching Shameless and feeling sorry for myself. In fact, at one point I got up and looked out my dormitory window and thought, “Wow. Look at all of those people doing productive things” and then I proceeded to crawl back into bed and watch 5 more episodes of Shameless. (You would think that show would inspire me to be productive so I don’t end up like them…. it didn’t).


Nevertheless, it’s Thirsty Thursday and I found the motivation to make some special plans with a friend (be proud, I am getting out of the room for something other than food).


Maybe I shouldn’t brag about my particular laziness this week. I swear I’m not always like this (I know what you’re thinking… how many other nineteen-year-olds have said the same exact thing?). But I promise I’m really not. Most of the time I like to think myself a successful college student… and you can define successful anyway you like it. I’m also pretty involved in my campus (let’s not include this past week, alright?). 


I can’t tell you what this blog will entail other than the thoughts of an introvert that really really needs to get out. I’ll go ahead and apologize for my affinity for commas and parenthesis (but seriously, how could you not use them?). No, I will not cut them out, the little bastards have so much character. 


Farewell, my friends. For you may ever be wild.

2 thoughts on “First Post – A New Beginning?

  1. Seen your comment on First Friday, this is a blog loads of millennials can relate to. Keep up the good work, now following!


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